Thursday, February 12, 2009

Teaching a child to wait

In many songs and activities, there are moments when a child will wait naturally, especially in the Musikgarten program. One example is the song, "Well you walk and you walk and you walk and you....STOP!" This same delayed pause pattern shows up in many of the songs as well, like "My Little Rooster."
Here are some simple daily activities you can add to stretch those moments of anticipation. With infants it might include playing little movement and touch 'games' like lifting them way up and then back down into your arms, or circling your finger around and then landing gently on their nose. Do things that bring joy, not tears. Later, they might be more willing to put on their shoes if it means they will get to take a ride or a walk. They will love it if you bake cookies. You may hear your child say, "It's so HARD to wait for cookies to get done!" If you hear that, rejoice. You are giving your toddler a priceless opportunity to practice waiting. - Miss Susan

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