Thursday, July 26, 2012

Music Theory Through Fun Card Games

Just as words and sounds are the building blocks of language, tonal and rhythm patterns are the building blocks of musical literacy. In Musikgarten, we introduce these patterns from the very beginning, just as you introduce your babies to your native language.

When children are old enough to point to the golden arches and say "That's McDonalds" then they are probably old enough to participate in our floor card games. And who doesn't like to play games? We have fun identifying certain tonal and rhythm patterns, like a broken (separated) tonic chord or 2 quarter notes. Careful preparation make simple written patterns a joy for the children - pieces of a fascinating, simple puzzle, which they can take pride in putting together. They will come for the fun, and they will want to stay for the education!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Music, Scarves, and Children

Children like to have something in their hands. It focuses their attention and acts as an extension of the hand. Handling and manipulating scarves calls for different muscular responses than for other musical activities. The sensations resulting from these scarf movements link them with feelings and memories mapped in the entire body.

Moving scarves suggest shapes. Spatial concepts are clarified and directionality is greatly enhanced (up/down, side to side).

Scarves add a wonderful dimension to dancing, and most children simply love to dance! Great activity for a rainy day.