Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let your child help you fold pillowcases

This may not sound like it relates to music, but it does.
When you are folding laundry, and your child wants to help you, please let him or her.
Show them to fold a washcloth or pillocase top to bottom, and then left to right. This lays a foundation for tracking, how they are going to read, either words on a page, or notes on sheet music. We do this exercise with scarves in class in conjuction with our peek-a-boo song. It's lots of fun. You can make up your own song about top to bottow and left to right.
It's fun, and it helps with reading readiness and with musical dynamics at the same time!


  1. Hi Susan,
    I teach piano to children and adults alike. It is neat to see your suggestions for teaching musical skills to little ones.
    I noted that you like CS Lewis. I have read all of his books including his science fiction trilogy.
    Click my name to visit my blog.

  2. Sorry it took me so long to find your comment! I'm finally getting the hang of blogging. Yes, CS Lewis is awesome! And I will click your blog.

  3. Warning: method not recommended if your family speaks Hebrew...
