Saturday, January 30, 2010

Teach musical finger numbers early

Ask a friend to hold up his/her first finger. Many adults will hold up their "pointer," or their second finger. In music, your thumb is finger number one, pinky is number five and so on. Make up a game or a song in the car and have your child sing it with you as they wiggle each finger. Remember, one through five for each hand, not one through ten. That would be another error for future musical success. The left hand mirrors the right hand so put your right hand up to a mirror and talk about that with your child as well. When your child traces his or her hand on a piece of paper, help them number the fingers one through five on the right and five through one on the left.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Link to a great site for teaching methods

Here is a fun site for parents and for music teachers. Learn a little more about solfege here and music and movement - go to